John Muir Trail, August 2005

Day 7:
Squaw Lake to Lake Edison and Vermilion Valley Resort, over Silver Pass.
10 Miles.

Getting to Vermilion was a relief. Before this trip I had never been backpacking for more than 4 days at one time. Having been out now for 7 days, I was still adjusting to the scope of this adventure. Vermilion provided a break, where I could get psyched up for the next 9 days. Plus, this is where I received my resupply package.

Looking north from the climb to Silver Pass, Banner and Ritter Peaks again.
The trail to Squaw Lake came up the near valley.

View west over Chief Lake from the top of Silver Pass. 07-02-chief

View south from Silver Pass.
The Mono Creek canyon is between the 1st and 2nd horizon. The 2nd horizon is Volcanic Knob and Bear Ridge. On the third and farthest horizon is Selden Pass, the lowest notch right of center.

Sunset view from Vermilion Valley Resort, accross Lake Edison back at the John Muir Trail area. Mono Creek canyon on the left, Bear Ridge is the forested hill, and Recess Peak is the barren background. 07-04-edison

< Day 6 ----- Day 8 >